For a week in August the National Eisteddfod comes to Pontypridd and RCT.  Check out our ‘must-do’ list for the town.

So if you’re intending to visit the town why not check out our online resources below so you get a real feel for the area:

  • Official Ponty Town Online website & message board
    Started in 1998 this website was awesome but although somewhat redundant since Facebook ruined everything it still has a lot of local information all in one place.
  • The Welsh Man
    Grab yourself a copy of this gritty fiction novel. Based in and around Pontypridd, RCT and the valleys of south Wales. If you want to discover what the ‘real’ Wales is like then you must read this book.
  • History
    Check out the town’s illustrious past here. And don’t forget to listen to Daniel’s version of town – click here.
  • Pub Guide
    Recently updated, new photos coming soon…
  • The Voice
    Daniel Davies, Ponty boy, wins ‘The Voice Kids UK 2018’ – you have to listen to this lad!
  • Heritage Trail
    If you fancy a short walk with some history, fine views, shops and some pubs then look no further.
  • Owain Glyndŵr
    Famous Welsh author Catrin Collier has just finished her 4th installment of her historical fiction series on the life of Welsh legend Owain Glyndŵr. Available in paperback and kindle – another must read!
  • Ponty Circular Walk
    Not for the weak and feeble, this is a fab walk around the town where you get to see the area from every angle. A tough 12 mile stroll.
  • National Lido Wales
    The old swimming baths in Ynsyangharad War Memorial Park have recently been restored to their former glory and the town is now home to the National Lido of Wales. A must-see venue (if you can get a ticket).
  • T-shirt Shop
    Plenty of Welsh-themed clothes at this Ponty-based online shop.
  • Pontypridd Museum
    Opened in 1986 in the former Tabernacle Welsh Baptist Chapel, Pontypridd Museum tells the story of an area transformed, from a quiet Valleys community to a thriving industrial town at the heart of the South Wales coalfield.
  • Tom Jones
    Another Ponty boy who can sing a bit.
  • Welsh Writers
    Although only a small country, Wales is home to many great writers. Check them out here.


Eisteddfod 2024
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