Social media, although a relatively new concept, has taken the world by storm over the last few years. The term is coined to include all technology that allows the creating and sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression via virtual communities and networks.

In simple terms this means using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, WhatsApp, Snapchat, YouTube, blogs, websites and many other platforms to share stuff.

Whether we like it or not hundreds of millions of people all over the planet can now interact with each other online. As a writer a good way of looking at it is to think of these people as potential readers of your book(s)!

facebookOK, it’s not something any of us actually need, and personally I’d love to return to a world before any of it, but it can be a useful tool in the modern writers armoury. A Facebook page can advertise ourselves and tell others what we do, a Twitter account can tell our followers when a new book is published and so on. There are many online communities or groups for every imaginable interest. Some of these may be interested in your particular genre or style of writing.

Many of the world’s most successful authors use social media on a daily basis. Some self published authors have even used it to become best sellers, as well as famous, without ever securing a publishing deal!

Like it or not it’s here to stay.

Below are some free tips for social media marketing:

Each platform is different:

  • Facebook is good for finding old school friends and directing people to your website
  • Twitter reaches new readers if you follow people too
  • Instagram and Pinterest are good for brand building
  • Goodreads is good for building a community, but like all platforms this takes a lot of time
  • LinkedIn is for people who like job titles or the sound of their own voice
  • YouTube video is the latest marketing tool

Different Facebook posts work in different ways:

  • Pictures are good for engagement & shares, not always for click throughs
  • Link posts are better for generating hits on your sites
  • General updates are good for questions and feedback

Make your headlines work hard:

  • Headlines that ask questions get answered in the comments
  • Headlines that tease get clicks

Tag people you talk about in your posts:

  • It helps people to discover your posts

Engage with people:

  • Answer all comments and notifications
  • Be positive and excited
  • Tease and inspire curiosity. Ask people things – ‘Do you know…?’


Tweet the same content again!

  • Tweet
  • Retweet
  • Favourite
  • Follow
  • Schedule

Use a blog / website to promote your book(s):

  • Write posts related to your book
  • Use images / book covers
  • Offer free content
  • Newsletter

Join writing groups:

  • Facebook groups
  • Goodreads
  • Elsewhere on the web
  • Contribute to discussions and offer advice

One thought on “Social Media

  • 26/02/2017 at 6:10 pm

    A nice simple and concise guide


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