Lesley Williams lives in Swansea. After a long career in Social Services, early retirement gave her the opportunity to attend a variety of writing courses run by the University. She has performed her work locally as a member of the ‘Garage Players’ and continues to meet monthly with a small group of Swansea poets.
Her work experience was mainly in training and development in mental health, domestic abuse and substance misuse. In 2005 she received a police commendation for services to community safety. Although Lesley is a social worker by trade she started her career in nursing. She is a qualified counsellor and has diplomas in domestic violence and dream analysis. Lesley draws upon all of these subjects to inform her writing. She has often been in hot water.
Recently she has had poems published by ‘Black Bough’ and the ‘Willawaw Poetry Journal’. This book is loosely divided into a section of general poetry and prose, and topics including abuse, historical figures, Swansea, illness/disability, family, found poems, love, women, loss and death, Christmas and a few poems written for children.