Just a short blog post today but one which is very important for all those authors who are struggling to sell any books.  Book cover designer and marketing guru, Derek Murphy, has a great newsletter, that I subscribe to and I thought I’d share just a few lines from his latest offering as it is such good advice.

To visit his website – click here.

On selling books, he says:

“There’s no magic bullet, but there’s a lot of noise and distraction. From my position, publishing is remarkably easy to get right:

1. great cover that communicates genre
2. strong blurb that incites interest
3. 10+ reviews to overcome skepticism

After that, you need to spend less on visibility than you earn to stay profitable.”

Easy right?  OK, easier said than done but basically that is what we hope to do here at Publish & Print. Design a great book cover for you, create an attractive blurb and encourage you to get lots of reviews.


Book Marketing Tips
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